Monday, October 1, 2012

Preschool Update

Monday and Thursday mornings are hard. Really hard. I know Evie will adjust to school eventually, but in the meantime, it's been rough.

Evie's first day of school went about as expected. She was a ball of nerves all morning, but hid it well until we made real moves to leave the house. Then the pleading and crying began. As we walked into the school doors, we overheard her reassure her Minnie doll with, "It's ok, Mittie. Don't be scared." I had a lump in my throat, but was determined not to show emotion because I knew that would make it even harder for Evie. Incidentally, I'm not very good at following my own orders. When we got to the doors and she began sobbing, I began to cry too.

I headed off to Burt's, never so thankful to be taking on a project in risk of missing its deadline. The frantic pace was a great distraction. When it was finally time to pick her up, my heart sank at the teacher's report: "It was a rough day. Evie hid a lot and cried off and on all day. She was too upset to eat lunch and hid under the table while everyone else ate." Evie's report was similiar: "I was newvous, not happy. I don't yike it. It was too youd (loud). I missed Mama!" She's been requesting the video I made for her first birthday pretty much constantly. "Mama, can we watch me when I was a yittle, yittle, yittle baby again?" It's fascinating to me that a 2 year old can be nostalgic.

Thankfully, the reports have been slightly more positive each time, with Evie enjoying crafts and music class, though she will completely deny this when it's time to get in the car to start another school day. The mornings haven't gotten any less heartbreaking, so hopefully that will also improve with time.

Tomorrow is a big day. I have my baseline ultrasound to begin IVF and if everything goes as expected, I'll start injections tomorrow night! Then if everything goes smoothly, I'll have my egg retrieval in a couple of weeks. Absolutely crazy. Matt and I have been putting a lot of thought into the embryo transfer and have decided that if we are lucky enough to have high-quality embryos, we'll only transfer one. It reduces our chance of success from 70% to 55%, but we also wouldn't have to worry about the risks that come with twins. It's a really difficult decision to make, but hopefully it's the right one.

Oh! And you guys are really good at praying and sending happy thoughts! The day after I posted my last blog, Matt told me that his trial was postponed until January! What a huge relief.

Here are a few Evie quotes that made me laugh:

Matt and I were talking about doormats and where we should get a new one and Evie cleverly points out that, "We don't have a doormat! We have a Man-Matt!" Good one, Eves!

Staring in the potty: "Mama, poo poo and pee pee are BWEST FWIENDS!"

After seeing a Christmas tree in the background of 101 Dalmatians: "MAMA! IT'S CHRISTMASTIME! WE GOT TO PACK UP AND GO TO CHRISTMAS! COME ON!" That was about a week ago and she's still randomly saying that we need to pack up and go to Christmas because it's, "far, far, faaaaar away." Let's go!

My parents' cat Emmy was put down last week at age 22. Even though this cat was not at all loving to Evie and basically just slept all day, Evie loved her and would talk about her pretty much constantly. I tried my best to explain to her about death and heaven, but I could tell that the concept was too big for Evie to grasp. Yesterday she asked again where Emmy was and I went in to the spiel and when I was done, Evie said, "Yeah. Emmy was really die-ey."

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