Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mama said there'll be days like this

It's been one of those days. Evie woke up on the wrong side of the crib and cried for reasons unknown for an hour. Then we went to the grocery store to pick up items for our trip this weekend and Evie opened up two boxes of cookies from a display, dumped half of them on the floor and proceeded to eat them. Incidentally, we now have plenty of sugar cookies if you'd like to stop by!

But I'm such a cute little thief!

The worst part of the day came after that. Evie fell off the front of the couch and smacked her head hard against the (relatively sharp) corner of our coffee table. Her whole mouth filled with blood and I was shaking so much I couldn't find the source. Luckily, Matt's mom is a pediatrician, so I called her and she gave me instructions on what to do. Scary. She'll be fine, though she'll probably have a pretty big bruise and a fat lip. It's the most difficult lesson to learn as a mom. I want so desperately to protect her, but inevitably she's going to get hurt. These bumps and bruises are the easy ones, of course. I'm much more worried about the day some kid says something cruel and hurts her feelings. If any of you are interested in joining a commune with only kind, respectful people and cushioned furniture, I'm taking applications.

We're off for an adventure tomorrow night! We're meeting our good friends the Brophys and the O'Dohertys in Charleston. Matt won't be able to take time off, so we're traveling separately. Yep, that means I will be driving alone with a 15 month old for 5+ hours. I've decided to leave after dinner so that she'll hopefully sleep on the way. Even if it's a rough trip, it will be worth it to spend time with those guys! We can't wait.


  1. You must have been terrified when Evie fell! I am so glad she's okay. What a day! Good luck with the trip to Charleston! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. I should have guessed that you wouldn't have actually bought two packages of sugar cookies rather than make them yourself! You didn't feed me the ones off the floor, did you?

    Have fun in Charleston. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for an easy drive with a sleeping baby -- and one that goes back to sleep after you get there!
