Thursday, September 29, 2011


It's been a big week of change around here.

I never would have believed it a week ago, but Evie is well on her way to sleeping through the night! Saturday, for the first time in a year and a half, I was able to sleep from 11 - 5:30. I had forgotten what it felt like to feel energetic and well rested. It was incredible, but even more incredible was how we got there. Apparently, all we had to do was ask! Our pediatrician suggested that I explain to Evie that I couldn't go in at night, she would have to stay in her own bed and I would see her in the morning. Other people were allowed to go in and check on her, but I wasn't. I was full of anxiety over this, remembering the 4 hour blocks of straight screaming and worrying how it would affect Matt since he's already burning the candle at both ends. I'm stunned by how well she has done and it's also opened my eyes to how much she understands.

As I type this, our new granite countertops are being installed! I can't wait to see them. My dad came to help remove the old ones last week and we learned a smart time-saving technique for the homemaker on the go. Apparently, there's no need to clean or even remove large objects from a shelf before you cover it with a liner. Dog biscuits in the way? Just cover 'em on up! We found a rawhide and 3 dog treats under the contact paper placed by the clever and efficient previous owners. Thankfully, I didn't use that cabinet for food or I may have vomited.


You're doing it wrong, Grandpa. Allow me

Fun stuff from this week:

We visited the farm where Evie's pal Annabelle lives. Not surprisingly, Evie spent every opportunity loving on the farm dogs and cat. She wasn't so impressed with the horses and was even less impressed by the hay ride.

Evie hates when Matt and I hug, kiss or show any kind of affection. As soon as she sees it, she starts crying, squeezes her way between us and tries to push me away from him. She would be so angered by the themes in The Parent Trap.

She has started signing for "more" before we even enter the doors at Whole Foods. My incredibly picky eater eagerly eats anything in those sample bins. Something must happen to the food in transit because the very same items are refused and thrown on the floor when they're offered at home.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who needs sleep?

I survived last week! I had several big deadlines on Friday and my clients were sending me changes and additions well past the cutoff point I gave them. It's surprising that they would ignore all of my pleas to get in final comments because I'm normally viewed as a intimidating and authoritative. I somehow found a way to work, while watching Evie, the entire day on Friday. Luckily she is a cuddlebug, so she happily snuggled and sat on my lap, occasionally offering a helping hand on the keyboard. I think I caught all of the "HieeeeEEEEEffw5" additions to the files, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few slipped through the cracks.

I was patting myself on the back last week for managing to remain energetic and productive even though Evie is sleeping like a newborn, but it must have been pure adrenaline because I absolutely crashed on Monday. I am beat! I can not handle the constant night wakings any more and it's only gotten worse. She screams and refuses to back into her crib in the middle of the night. It's like trying to put a cat in a bathtub. Letting her cry it out has been completely fruitless and that's normally the last resort for parents. We have a pediatrician visit this afternoon and I am praying for some guidance on the issue. Unfortunately, I am a terrible sleeper and my parents said I didn't sleep through the night until I was 2 1/2, so I suppose I only have my genes to blame.


It's not all bad though! Evie is so darn sweet. Her unsolicited kisses and hugs melt me. Though she still isn't talking much, she's trying and is generally more and more communicative. It's fun to watch her point out a wide variety of objects. And she's walking now! It's the cutest waddle you've ever seen. She started out walking like a drunken Frankenstein, but is improving by the day.

Toddling Along


As has been discussed, Evie is obsessed, obsessed with cats and dogs. Animals can generally be divided into one of the two categories. For example, cows are dogs, but pigs are cats. Lions are catdogs, since they "uff" and "meow" interchangeably. What you may not know is that some dogs, including Scottys, chihuahuas, and yorkies, are cats. Pretty clear cut.

Hopefully I'll get a good plan at the doctor! Will update soon.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bathtime fun

Garden Tub

This is how bath time ended tonight. Not because I'm a playful, laid-back mom who brings magic and whimsy into normal day-to-day routines, but because Evie filled the other bathtub with poop. But let's be honest, it's mostly because I'm a playful laid-back mom who brings magic and whimsy to normal day-to-day routines. It was an eventful evening and every item of clothing I was wearing is now in the wash.


We went to a wedding in Atlanta last weekend for one of my closest friends from my App days, Susanne. She is pure effervescence. She is also a gourmet baker, which is why it was physically painful to leave the reception before they cut the cake. It would have been much more painful for the other guests, however, if we'd kept Evie there much longer past her bedtime, so we headed back and Matt and I shared a bottle of wine in the dark, quiet hotel room while the little girl slept. It was actually pretty nice.


If any of you wonder if I've fallen of the face of the Earth, I've been slammed with work. For the past several weeks, I've been working at every available opportunity during the day and again at night after Evie goes to bed until my brain shuts down, which is anywhere from 10 pm to 1 am. Yes, I should be working right now, but I care about my blog readers too much. And its more efficient than personally e-mailing the 4 of you who read this. Because my daughter still doesn't sleep through the night, my brain decided never to officially turn on today. There are a lot of days where I can't form simple sentences and, for whatever reason, my syntax begins to mirror Yoda's. I leave out articles. Sleep deprivation is turning me into a foreigner, but one who only (poorly) speaks a secondary language.

The most fun project I worked on in the past month was for one of my oldest and dearest friends, Annabelle, who just started an etsy shop. It was such a fun diversion from my other more serious projects. I love, love, love the quilt she made for Evie and she's such a talented and creative seamstress. I bartered my designs for a picnic quilt! Be jealous! Check out her shop (and my logo) here. Go buy things.