Thursday, February 2, 2012

Disney Cruise #2

We returned a week ago today from cruise #2, though it already seems like ages since we were there. As much as I would like to plan an adventurous trip to another country or perhaps even a destination that doesn't feature costumed characters, Disney is hard to beat with a little one. Going on a trip with a toddler is humbling and any previous experience traveling will be virtually useless. Disney has considered all of the typical stressors and their cruises are just about as easy and relaxing as it gets! We were on their new ship and had a blast, though Matt was sorely missed. Here's a photo tour of the trip:

Am I dreaming?
Check out the expression. She was completely overwhelmed.
We had just boarded and she could not contain her excitement!
Planning our next cruise with Baboo's help

She insisted on wearing her sunglasses at dinner. She's starting to form strong opinions about fashion!
Catching a late movie on deck. It was so pretty at night!
Playing Tick Tock with Baboo

Can't talk. Ice Cream.

She insisted on sleeping on me during nap time. It doesn't get better.

"a-BOO, toes!"

Plum tuckered.

Theme of the week. She could not get enough of Nana!

Enthralled by the live-action pirate show. Check out the water slide!

Jack would be pissed if he saw this picture. Who knew dogs were allowed on cruises!? Evie named this one "Mamo Dog."

Enjoying the requisite kid-free meal at Palo. I may or may not have obsessively watched the cell phone the entire time for a call from the nursery.

Feeling brave by the end of the cruise! She asked Mickey to do the Hot Dog Dance (he declined- rude), and freely gave kisses and high-fives to all the mice, ducks, chipmunks and dogs!

Cancel the cleaning crew. I'll take it from here.

Last meal before our return to the real world.

1 comment:

  1. HOW did I miss this post?! LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos and captions! Funny, I kept checking back to see if anything was posted from cruise #2.. I kept thinking " how rude!" I guess it's been here the whole time! You shall say, "how rude of you danielleta, for not looking closely!"

    I want to play tick tock in the beautiful ocean!
