Thursday, August 11, 2011


Evie had a first today that may be my favorite to date. She started displaying her sense of humor! While we were at the grocery store, I went down the pet aisle so she could point out all the dogs and cats. I started pointing out the cats on the packaging and asking her what sound they make and she kept responding with "uff" and then cracking up! I'd say "noooooo! They're kitties!" Which made her laugh even harder. I loved it.

I love you, Marie. Uff.

Another first that shows a different side of her personality is her ability to walk. Evie is incredibly cautious with everything she does and this has shown with every step (and lack thereof). She absentmindedly took her first two steps last Friday and I praised her like crazy, but she didn't realize what she had done. She is so steady on her feet and I know when she decides she's ready to start walking she will be an instant pro, but for now she prefers the safety and comfort of crawling. Tonight she took several more steps toward Matt. She was crying and stumbled into his arms so he would pick her up, but I still don't think she realized what was happening. I'll be excited to see her on her feet, though it's just one more reminder that she's not a baby anymore!

Just looking cute is all.


Go buy a box of Back to Nature Peanut Butter Creme cookies. They taste just like Do-Si-Dos! Dangerously delicious. I'm on my second box in 3 days. Let's get fat together! 

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