Last weekend we went to Bayboro to visit the Lee grandparents. We ended up visiting the NC Aquarium on Sunday and were treated to a tour by my former roommate from App, Carmen. Evie was a little apprehensive after recognizing her from our last visit, but was happy to hear there are no dolphins at this aquarium.
Carmen gave us a tour of Discovery Cove when she worked there as a dolphin trainer. Turns out Evie doesn't think too highly of them. |
We told Evie it was time for breakfast and as we were preparing her plate, we looked in the dining room to see that she had sat herself at the table and placed a placemat in her lap like a napkin. What a little lady! |
Evie is a huge fan of Brenda, Grandparent Lees' prehistoric-looking mastiff, who she renamed "Big Dog." I'd say that's pretty accurate. |
As she was trying to pet Brenda, she said, "Hold me, Big Dog?" I don't think so. Later that night, I was rocking her and said, "Evie, Mama loves you" and she responded with, "'ow 'bout Big Dog?" |
Above the shark tank with Carmen |
a couple of cuties |
Thinking about joining Dad for a dip in the pool, a.k.a., "big baff" |
This is so Evie. Cracking up at her dad with her finger in her belly button. |
For some reason, Evie has started pointing at the house across the street and calling it "Dada House" and the house next door is "Mama House." I asked her if Mama House was pretty and she responded with, "Mama pretty." Admittedly, I was fishing for that one, but it's still sweet!
Last night Evie delivered her first unsolicited "I love you!" As we should have expected, one of our pets was the recipient. I was rocking her before bed and she reached back to pet Murray who was perched on the back of the chair and said, "I yah, Mowwy." So cute, that girl.
Yesterday afternoon my parents drove in to visit their favorite granddaughter. Evie and I were taking a walk on our street and when my parents drove up, Evie excitedly waved at the car, shouting, "HI, BEE BEET (beep beep, what she calls cars)!!" When they stopped right next to us, she saw who was inside and was STUNNED. Her eyes were like saucers. She reached out and practically fell into my dad's arms and melted into the sweetest hug ever. She didn't even talk for the next 30 minutes, she just wanted to hug her Nana and Baboo.
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