I had an awesome appointment this morning! I was sick with anxiety this morning and feeling weepy on the drive over (thank you modern science for pumping me full of hormones to ensure I'm emotionally unstable during an extremely stressful process); I just knew we would see a goose egg again. Incredibly, the opposite happened and I had so many follicles growing that the nurse ran out of space to record them! I was shocked and absolutely thrilled! Even better, there's a really good chance that retrieval will be scheduled for Monday, which would likely mean that I could be accompanied by my very own husband! We'll find out for sure on Saturday. There is a concern that I could develop
OHSS because I have so many follicles growing, but I'll gladly deal with that if it means I have a lot of (hopefully good) eggs at retrieval!
I also want to thank LeapFrog's Phonics Farm episode for providing the soundtrack to today's events. It was certainly an enhancement to my experience to hear "Letter Sound Hoedown" relentlessly on repeat in my brain while I waited nervously in the chair. I highly encourage those of you with toddlers to watch the whole LeapFrog series so we can bond through discussions of the amazingly annoying characters and songs. The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park should provide a good jumping off point.
The kids wore pajamas to preschool to study hibernation. |
Cutest little bear |
We didn't expect to celebrate such a remarkable achievement this early in her life: Evie's bear won the "Largest Bear" award at preschool during Bear Week. This certainly eclipses any other news we may have received today. Please don't allow jealousy or excessive admiration to change the way you treat us. |
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