Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sweet 16

The great news continues! We had egg retrieval yesterday and got 33 eggs. 33!!! Matt was able to be there with me, which was awesome. Anesthesia actually worked and the process went as smoothly as it could have. Recovery since then has been very rough. I went on a vomiting spree yesterday and have been unable to keep down pain meds, which is a little cruel, but I'm alright if I stay on the couch without moving. I've been able to eat a few small meals today, so hopefully that trend continues and I can regain my strength.

This morning we got more incredible news: of the 33 eggs, 19 were mature and 16 of those fertilized with ICSI (a method where they inject the egg with a single, healthy sperm). I'm terrified to be hopeful, but these numbers are awesome! Typically, 30% of embryos survive from fertilization to the 5 day transfer, so if that holds true for us we will be ecstatic. They'll check in on the little guys on Thursday, so I'll be holding my breath until then. My transfer is scheduled for Saturday and they'll just be transferring one. I have very a high likelihood of developing OHSS, which is made worse by the pregnancy hormone, making a twin pregnancy very dangerous.

My great-grandparents had 16 children, so I'll take this as a sign of good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome news, Molly!! Christa had told me me that things were looking good so I thought I'd stop by and see if you had any news. I'll be saying some prayers for you!
